What is Robust OS?
RobustOS is Robustel’s proprietary router operating system. Built from the ground up around the Linux Kernel, RobustOS allows for lightweight firmware and application delivery across the Robustel product range.
RobustOS has been subject to rigorous penetration testing by Nettitude (UK pen-test experts) with zero vulnerabilities being reported in the Operating System.
RobustOS allows users to develop bespoke applications quickly and easily to add user-specific functionality to the routers. An advanced SDK allows fast C/C++ development.
RobustOS dovetails seamlessly with Robustel’s free router management platform – RCMS, allowing easy management of thousands or even millions of routers through a “single pane of glass”.

Is Robust OS Reliable?
Assets Connected by Robust OS
Customers Served
Countries Deployed
Apps Available
Example Device Functionality Apps

For a complete list of Apps, click below:
Example VPN Apps

For a complete list of Apps, click below:
Example Third Party Integrations

For a complete list of Apps, click below:
Hardware Specs

Get started with RCMS Cloud
Want to start connecting your Robustel devices now?
Sign up for an RCMS account using the button below and your Robustel devices can be connected to RCMS in a matter of seconds.
Even better, every brand new device registered to RCMS automatically gets 3 months of Advanced functionality completey free of charge.
Try everything RCMS has to offer today!